€1.399,00 EUR

Optimize my project’s M&E (6-session program)

Your customized program to help you measure your project’s results and optimize impact!

What you'll get:

  • A customized roadmap to get you from where you are in terms of your project’s M&E to where you’d like to be by the end of the 6 sessions.
  • Dedicated one-on-ones with expert advice and coaching* tailored to your specific situation and aimed at helping you understand, measure, and optimize the impact of your project(s).
  • After each session, a short recap of key points, along with any relevant bonus resources.

*NOTA BENA: ‘Optimize my project's M&E’ sessions cover a broad range of topics related to M&E, but they do not go into detailed technical discussions about statistical analyses (those are topics better covered by expert statisticians!).

All 6 sessions should be completed within a period of 8 weeks to maximize the effectiveness of our time together (necessary session slots will be availed).

✳ Consider getting funded or reimbursed by your employer or your project's donor. Click here for materials to help you make your case.